About Company
STEADFAST DEFENCE and INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED started in 2019, is a magnificent initiative of India which is characterized by its visionary outlook, empathetic attitude, inclusive approach, collaborative culture, democratic operational pattern and transformational leadership.
Our Team
Our team epitomizes a seamless, unified, harmonious and consolidated structure marked by emotional solidarity, cognitive resonance and behavioural harmony. The collaborative culture of our organization gets vividly reflected in our core team and thereby making us extraordinary.
Powerful Values
A unique combination of rock-solid steadfastness and strategic fluidity has made us exclusive ,ingenious and different from conventional banality. Outpacing formidable challenges we are steering through the path of progression with unflinching focus and invincible momentum.
What we offer for Clients
Design and Development
As an infrastructure company we take pride in being called as engineering and manufacturing enterprise. We thus provide designing and developmental consultancy.
Fast Support
Unrestricted influx of salutary inputs from multi-level functionaries at the operational phase, contributing towards synchronized operation and synergic achievement 24x7x365days.
Let’s build something amazing. We’re ready when you are.
Our organization includes multifarious functional experts having ultra- specialization in their own domain. The extensive resource-pool with functional diversity is a precious asset of the organization. Collaborative organizational culture encourages the experts of the core team to reinforce need based multi-functional partnership with others.
We Create strategic Partnerships
We look forward to catalyse the growth of multiple & multidimensional ancillary organizations under our supportive fold.
Inclusion of demographic diversity and fostering socio-cultural heterogeneity in the organizational framework. Mobilization of workforce in a collaborative platform based on empathy & solidarity. Focused, unwavering & result oriented approach to earn significant accomplishments.
Creative team
Collaborative diagnosis of organizational problems and consolidated approach in generating solutions based on creative Design thinking methodologies.
Plan management
Optimum participation of employees in planning , goal setting , agenda configuration and strategic implementation leading to a culture of collaborative reciprocity and reinforcing win-win situations
Why choose us
Doing the right thing,at the right time.
Our goal is simple, to make things that people care about. We were founded on this principle and we will always be commited to it.

Through strategy and design,
we combine story and experience to build an emphatic tomorrow.
Defence Products
just like yours
Helping Small Businesses
Our mission
Step Towards Transformation
We firmly believe that there is cause-effect relationship between Learning and Development. Learning is the most effective tool for catalyzing transformation of human beings.
In our organization , there is a structured Learning & Development System encompassing the following phases arranged in a logical sequence :
Learning Need Identification & Analysis
We evaluate the GAP between desired performance and achieved performance. Eventually we try to trace out the reasons behind the emergence of Performance GAP. Finally we try to establish the correlation or cause-effect relationship between Competency GAP & Performance GAP.
Training Design
We design strategic capacity building interventions for bridging the Competency GAP.
Implementation of Capacity Building Interventions
We engage our Trainers to implement the Capacity Building Interventions for enhancing the competency level of our staff members.
Finally we engage Evaluators to execute comparative appraisal between the level of Competency GAP at the pre-training period and the level of Competency GAP at the post training period.
If the Competency GAP at the post –training period is considerably lower than the Competency GAP at the pre-training period then we conclude that the Capacity Building Intervention /Training has been instrumental in enhancing the Competency of the Staff-Members
Leadership Values
We believe that a Leader is the product of the Situation. We also believe that a Leader can design and orchestrate interventions that can engineer situational changes as well as the changes in the organizational backdrop.
Kahn’s theory of employee engagement
“Approach employees as true partners, involving them in continuous dialogues and processes about how to design and alter their roles, tasks and working relationships – which means that leaders need to make it safe enough for employees to speak openly of their experiences at work.” – William Kahn Organisational Psychologist
Doing our bit
Being a corporate citizen of the social framework, we are deeply sensitive towards the social problems and sufferings of human beings.
We are driven by the valued intention of creating an equitable and egalitarian ecosystem that will significantly reduce unemployment, drudgery of women and children, illiteracy, maternal mortality rate and infantile mortality rate with critical emphasis on Cancer research and awareness.
We have crystallized partnership with a public charitable trust with panoramic experience in the field of social development. The name of the trust is Subhadra Memorial Trust. It is functioning as our implementing partner.
We are funding this trust for carrying out projects which are driven towards social impact. We have engaged third party evaluators for evaluation of the development projects that are being executed by our implementing partner.
Beautiful Design
Beautiful Design
The Magic Happen
The Magic Happen
Extensive Documentation
Extensive Documentation